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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt Page 18
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Page 18
~Chapter 10~
Mr. Beamer's Attic
Louis slept remarkably well that night, after the meeting in Mr. Beamer's barn. The events of the last few days did not seem to affect him, as much as he thought they would. Being called a Child-King, the Chosen One and the Savior of the Good in the world maybe, was not as tough to handle, as he would have thought.
Lately...for Louis, it was just another day.
It was a bright, beautiful morning. The sun was shining in through the kitchen's east windows.
"Mom what's for breakfast this morning," inquired Louis as he entered the kitchen "how about some wheat pancakes, and a cup of coffee?"
Captain Parks gave Pepper the Cat a pet on the head, as he entered the kitchen.
"Oh, Louis I thought I told you about giving up coffee," exclaimed Jeremy "you're only twelve, and you drink two cups a day. My they grow up, fast."
"I can't help it dad. I started drinking it last year on my trip north, and just never stopped."
"Louis sometimes I think you're more grown up than I am."
Hattie May tossed a couple of wheat flapjacks on the griddle as Mr. Beamer knocked on the back double-dutch doors.
"Good morning and how is everyone?" said Mr. Beamer.
"Good morning Mr. Beamer; that was some talk, you gave last night; I barely slept at all last night. I was tossing and spinning like a clothes washer. I was a nervous wreck. I saw Hattie May sleeping just fine and I checked in on Louis during the night, all were sound asleep. I guess you're all just use to this type of stuff going on around here, but not me," stated Captain Parks.
"Sorry honey. Yeah we have been doing this for a long time now, I guess. You know, it's just Louis being Louis."
"Can I get a plate of those flapjacks Hattie May, and can you throw in a cup of hot coffee as well? I will have it black just like Louis takes it," said Mr. Beamer as he looked over at Louis, who was devouring his pancakes as fast as he could.
"Thanks Lewey."
"Mr. Beamer can we go up into your attic this morning as you suggested last night? I cannot wait to get started. We need to start reading that "Good Book" again and figure out how to stop Petar, and Big Sal. I want to get this over before the start of baseball season. Heck it starts in about three months, and I want to be sure to beat those old Logansport Tigers for the championship this year."
Mr. Beamer hearing this was reminded that, Louis was still just a kid at heart. He knew that Louis still had no idea what laid ahead for him. Louis had been through so much already. Mr. Beamer ate his pancakes, read a little of the morning newspaper with Jeremy and Hattie May, catching up on a little small talk in the process. As the dishes were being dried, and placed in the overhead cupboards, Mr. Beamer asked Louis if he would like to get started.
Jeremy headed out towards the north fields, with Mr. Belvedere the Plow horse to begin his morning chores. Hattie May cleaned up the rest of the kitchen, then headed upstairs to finish knitting a sweater that she started weeks ago. Mr. Beamer and Louis (after eating a good home-cooked meal) headed up to the wonderment that was Mr. Beamer attic.
"Here we are again Louis, up in my attic with another great quest thrown before you. Please take a seat on that chair over there. You will have many lessons before you go on your next quest, I can assure you that, and there is so much that I need to show you still. So you'd best be getting comfortable."
"Alright Mr. Beamer I will try with all my might to pay attention, but don't go too fast. I want to make sure I understand everything. This is not like Miss Trumble's math class, where I don't care, what she's teaching."
"Louis well you should be paying attention in all your classes. I know math is not too many students favorite subject, but what if someday a math question is brought before you, it turns out to be very important, and many people are depending on you and your knowledge but that one-day you did not pay attention like you should have in class?
Do you get the point Louis? All classes, and all of your studies are important in one way or another, you just will not know it until one day in your future. So always pay attention to your teachers, Louis."
"Sorry, I was just telling the truth. I will start paying more attention like you asked Mr. Beamer."
"Good Louis, I am glad we've got that clear. Now first off today, I need to show you where you have been, to be able to show you where to go next. I got up very early this morning as I have, for the last few days to try to read your book. From what the book would let me read, I found out that you have completed almost the entire task that was written, and prophesied for you earlier; but you are not finished yet. Let us open the book of Honorius of Thebes again. I will show you."
"OK but go slowly, sometimes I don't pay attention...too much."
"Just kidding..."
The book was uncovered from its hiding place, from underneath a cloth draped over a table in the room. Mr. Beamer placed it on the large table in front of him; he advanced to open up the attic window, and pull back the drapes, letting in the full morning light.
A warm, late spring wind filled the room, clearing the dust and musty odor out of the air. Louis took a deep breath, while trying to relax the best he could. He watched Mr. Beamer prepare the book for a reading.
Mr. Beamer set the book on the table in front of them. He then mumbled a quick spell underneath his breath, which held Louis's full attention. When all was ready and the air was still again, Mr. Beamer dutifully open up the book's leather-bound cover.
Again, an uncanny and very odd bright blue light emanated from the books core. The light spread outwards and upwards once again, filling up the over-stuffed room with out of the ordinary and very bright colors. The strangely colored lights flickered, taking on different shapes and forms, as the glowing blue fountain pen of Jupiter's Angel Satquiel rose up from its womb. The pen floated to about twelve inches above the paper, then hovered. Mr. Beamer spoke to the book in a strange language that Louis had never heard before:
Mighty Book of Honor
Book of Thebes
Show me your divine wisdom once again
Show me where to begin
The pen of "Jupiter's Angel Satquiel" began to write:
Ozmyandias the Good has returned to reclaim his throne
He now walks upon this earth forlorn
Ra-Atum-Khepri is awaiting your commands
His future lies within in your hands
Show him the ways of Ramesses
Show him the ways of good
For the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Wedjat now roam
the Earth once again
Petar Deegan Aden and the Snake of Ra
will soon rise From The Neither World
The Black Fire must not spread as in the past
Show us the answers
and make it fast
As Mr. Beamer spoke the words of the Ancients, a low rumble could be heard far off in the nearby hills and valleys of Centerville. The ground below them began to shake. It was a mild tremor emanating from deep within the earth's mantle, slowly rising to the crust. Dust fell from the upper rafters of the rickety attic, descending down upon them both. A nearby small dormer window cracked, and the sounds of creaking wood engulfed their ears.
"Mr. Beamer, what's going...on...?"
"Louis be calm, it will pass."
The rumbles grew louder and louder, sounding like an underground freight train passing, deep below their feet.
The rumblings stopped; the air became still again, only shortly.
But...Mr. Beamer...I'm scared..."
"Wait Louis...wait...on it..."
The songbirds that were singing outside grew deathly quite as a stir in air once again filled the room. The wind began to swirl inside of the attic then another low rumble was felt below the
"It bit me! It bit me!" shouted out Louis.
"It is the evil wind of Aka Manah. It knows we are here. It knows the battle has begun. It knows your name Louis, and it has called to you to come to it. One day you will respond to its calling, but for now...the Book of Honorius Thebes, the Good Book, must be read."
Hattie May yelled up from the base of the stairwell, "Everyone Ok; what's going on up there?"
"Were fine ma, it's just the Lucky 7 train pulling into the station by the water tower outside of town; don't worry now."
"Oh, all right as long as you're sure Lewey."
"Yeah, I'm sure; everything is just fine," said the shaken little boy.
Both looked downwards at the illuminated pages.
As the pages turned once again, Louis could see; pictures of his young life in Centerville slowly pass by.
He was with his friends splashing about at the rock quarry, the Centerville schoolhouse was shown, Louis was singing on stage at a school dance, his first meeting with Molly, and pictures of him riding his bike during the summertime. On and on it went. The pages slowly turned.
Each chapter heading passed by; each word was read by Mr. Beamer, and Louis with great anticipation in their hearts.
On it went for over an hour. Finally, the book turned to the adventures of Black Jack Tilly, the kidnapping, of Jupiter the Show Horse; then there was the French captain, and the Great Lake and Raff the Wolf. It was all clear to Louis and Mr. Beamer. It was all there for them to both study, and observe.
Towards the end of the book, Louis was quick to notice the chapter about Louis being handed the Magic Jingle Bell in Mr. Beamer's barn, the gift given from Charlie from what seemed so long ago. On the next page was seen Mr. Beamer giving Louis his old walking staff, mystical compass, and charts of the stars and moon.
Mr. Beamer spoke a few more ancient and strange words when the pen of Jupiter Angel Satquiel went dark; the book quietly closed.
The supernatural lights reseeded, the pen fell back within its covers, all going dark.
Mr. Beamer gingerly placed the Good Book back on the table and spoke.
"That is all for now. We are where we need to be. Anymore reading of this book will not help us right now. The book is correct in its writings. Now Louis I need to know, do you still have it?"
"Have what?"
"It is called the Staff of Thebans. I gave you that staff last year in my attic. It has magical powers that you will need to use to complete your new quest."
"Yes, I still have it Mr. Beamer. What's it called? I just thought it was an old walking stick when you gave it to me last year. It is in my bedroom as we speak, under my bed."
"What about the Compass of Nubia and most importantly you will need the "Magic Bell of Amun-Ra". Charlie gave that bell to you, two years ago in my barn. Remember Louis."
"What's the bell called? What...?"
"The "Magic Bell of Amun-Ra" it was to be used if you ever got lost; Charlie would be able to find you, anywhere in the world; you used it once when you were kidnapped, and ended up in that gunny-sac. It is the magic bell of Master and Arion. Do you remember that bell, and all these other things?"
"Why sure I do Mr. Beamer. I remember them all but, some of the stuff was stolen one night," said a very perplexed and confused Louis "everything was stolen...by Squint-Eye Pete, I mean Petar, on the Cimmaron over a year ago. I do not have some of those items. I have only the Staff of Thebans as you just called it"
"The Good Book cannot tell us anymore. Without all those items in your possession Louis, I am afraid we will not have a chance to solve this riddle, and fight the two evil eyes of Wedjat and Horus. That bell, that staff and compass are the keys to your future, and are the keys to our salvation," said Mr. Beamer as a look of worry came across his face and Louis's.
"Well I think I know where those things would be Mr. Beamer. Petar would have them at the Saint Louis Jail. That is where he lives with Big Sal Rossi and Black Jack Tilly. He must have them, where else would they be?"
"I believe you are right Louis. It makes perfect since to me. We must have those things to defeat this evil it is written in the Good Book. They are tied together somehow. I am not really sure yet what they mean, but without them our fate is sealed."
"Well, then I will have to just go get them myself, so we can continue to move forward with our quest. I'm not afraid. I will take the Lucky 7 train down to Saint Louis and take care of it, Mr. Beamer."
"No Louis. We will have a meeting with the Ancients and Arions, and see how to proceed. I would have consulted the ancient looking glass, or as it has be called before, the Burning Glass of Amun that was kept in Miss Trumble's attic, but you shattered it the other night, when you inadvertently looked in it, and saw Petar's image. It is broken now and cannot help us."
"Well, sorry about that Mr. Beamer, but I was only up there looking for Harvey the Ghost and the next thing you know, there was Squint and I just lost my cookies. I screamed out like a rookie firewalker standing on a bed of hot coals, and that was all she wrote."
"Well it is too late, to fret too much about it now. We have other pressing matters."
"Sorry about that mirror. I just thought it was an old frumpy mirror. Now about the magic jingle bell, I mean the Magic Bell of Amun Ra, the Staff of Thebans, and the Compass of Nubia and all, I did not know that those things were going to be needed again. You should know better than to give things of value to a kid. How was I to know? Man I was only eleven years old. What do you think a small kid could know? Nothing Mr. Beamer we don't know really, anything. Now I am supposed to wield some wild powers or something and use those things?"
"Easy now Louis, just take it easy. I am not blaming you for anything we will take it step by step; let us take a break for a few days. I will converse with Doc Wellman, Turk and the others, and we will see if we can sidestep those items and then find out what the Book of Thebes says and what your future will truly be. There might be other answers, just yet."
As Mr. Beamer spoke these last few words, the ground began to shake again, only this time, a little more violently.
"Mr. Beamer...ah...oh...Mr. Beamer...I don't know if we have a few days! Evil it seems is alive and well in Centerville, and on the loose. I sure don't want it to catch me sleeping. I will talk with you later Mr. Beamer. I am going to go find Chug and Molly, and talk this all over with them, while you find your friends. I will see you tomorrow, and thanks again for the lessons, and helping me with reading of the Good Book...my book."
"Ok Louis...we will talk again...and soon."
The ground suddenly stopped shaking, as quickly as it had begun, and the earth became still once more.
Hattie May yelled out from below again.
"Louis...Mr. Beamer...?"
"Coming mom!"
Louis turned then promptly exited the attic, not bothering to look back. He ran down the stairs as quickly as his feet could move; only stopping long enough to tell his mom, he was going out for the day, and would be over at Molly's, or Chug's house. He grabbed his jacket by the front door; flying out of the house, as Muncy bounded after him. He quickly disappeared though Mr. Beamer's cornfield next door, and out of sight.
Mr. Beamer tried again to read the Book of Honorius but the spell he had spoken before, did not work this time. The book was placed back into its hiding place and covered, with Mr. Beamer being dumfounded as, to what to really do next.
Not so, for Louis because he knew that the Lucky 7 train departed the Centerville station for Saint Louis at ten o'clock, every evening.